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Jicaletas, Roasted Asparagus and Cherry Tacos with Asparagus Salsa


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This was an interesting meal. Everything we made was the first time we tried it.

First, the Jicaletas. The recipe is below. These are a traditional mexican street food. We did not have the type of chili powder it called for so we just used regular chili powder. Maybe we didn't do it properly, but neither Meredith nor I were overly impressed. I think it was my first time eating jicima. It had a texture not unlike water chestnuts. We may play with this but no hurry.

The roasted asparagus tacos were really good. We basically followed the recipe as stated. We used a caribbean tofu on it which we put in with the cherries. We picked that one simply because it was a firm variety. The thing was, the asparagus got very mushy and springy. I do not know how to really avoid this, but next time we make it, we will chop them first so you do not pull them all out. We meant to top them with some cheese but forgot.

Finally, we made the asparagus salsa as suggested. We really followed this one recipe pretty closely. We added a bit more salt to taste. It was not the most flavorful thing but it wasn't bad. It was a nice addition to the tacos. Maybe next time we will use hotter peppers to give it some zing.

This meal was big and fairly low in calories!

Jicaletas (From The Kitchn)

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Roasted Asparagus and Cherry Tacos (From The Kitchn))

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Asparagus Salsa (From The Kitchn)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1266, 2011-07-10_121513